abaca paper, recycled paper, recycled plastic wrap, used wine corks and steel rod armature
53”h x 38”w x 3”d

Paper Installation -
unbleached abaca paper, recycled paper, steel rod armatures, recycled industrial plastic wrap, used corks

abaca paper, recycled paper, steel rod armature, used corks, recycled industrial plastic wrap
51” (h) x 3 ft. (w) x 3” (d)

unbleached abaca paper, recycled paper, steel rod armature, recycled industrial plastic wrap, used corks
7.5 ft. (h) x width varies x 4” (d)

4 ft X 2 ft
abaca & flax paper, garden hose, wire hangers, walnut dye, black & green India inks, nylon curtains, mirror paint

4 ft X 2 ft
abaca & flax paper, garden hose, wire hangers, walnut dye, black & green India inks, nylon curtains, mirror paint

4 ft X 2 ft
abaca & flax paper, garden hose, wire hangers, walnut dye, black & green India inks, nylon curtains, mirror paint

abaca paper, black India ink

Full image found under Landscraping

full image found under Landscraping

Approx. 14 ft h . x . 6 ft. w
On exhibit at the Milton Rhodes Center for the Arts Winston-Salem, NC

view full installation under Indoor Picnic
abaca pulp, steel wire, thread, black India ink 10” (h). x 4” (w) x 1” (d)

abaca paper, recycled paper, recycled plastic wrap, used wine corks and steel rod armature
53”h x 38”w x 3”d
Paper Installation -
unbleached abaca paper, recycled paper, steel rod armatures, recycled industrial plastic wrap, used corks
abaca paper, recycled paper, steel rod armature, used corks, recycled industrial plastic wrap
51” (h) x 3 ft. (w) x 3” (d)
unbleached abaca paper, recycled paper, steel rod armature, recycled industrial plastic wrap, used corks
7.5 ft. (h) x width varies x 4” (d)
4 ft X 2 ft
abaca & flax paper, garden hose, wire hangers, walnut dye, black & green India inks, nylon curtains, mirror paint
4 ft X 2 ft
abaca & flax paper, garden hose, wire hangers, walnut dye, black & green India inks, nylon curtains, mirror paint
4 ft X 2 ft
abaca & flax paper, garden hose, wire hangers, walnut dye, black & green India inks, nylon curtains, mirror paint
abaca paper, black India ink
Full image found under Landscraping
full image found under Landscraping
Approx. 14 ft h . x . 6 ft. w
On exhibit at the Milton Rhodes Center for the Arts Winston-Salem, NC
view full installation under Indoor Picnic
abaca pulp, steel wire, thread, black India ink 10” (h). x 4” (w) x 1” (d)